Organizational strategy

The Power of
Leadership Team Coaching

Leadership Team Coaching

The Plager Group’s leadership team coaching is designed to create lasting improvements in business impact and team effectiveness. Our systemic approach ensures that your team is well-equipped to meet current challenges and seize future opportunities. Let us help your team unlock its full potential and achieve remarkable results.

Why Team Coaching

Leadership team coaching improves the impact of the team as a whole. Whether you are a new team, undergoing a strategic change, or aiming to improve your effectiveness, leadership team coaching enhances culture, sharpens leadership skills, and drives greater effectiveness in achieving your goals.

Our Approach

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Leadership Team Benefits

  • Accelerate Business Results
  • Better and Quicker Decision Making
  • Increased Capability to Have Constructive Conflict
  • Role Model Effective Teaming for the Rest of the Organization
  • Builds ‘Systemic View’ Muscle as a Team

Individual Team Member Benefits

  • Increased Self-Awareness
  • Deepens Coaching Ability (Accelerates Direct Reports’ Performance)
  • Role Model Personal Change for the Organization
  • Increased Ability to Successfully Navigate Hard Conversations

Coaching results

Debbie has guided me through several of my most important professional transitions, and supported me as I’ve learned important and difficult lessons that helped me become the social change leader…

Jeff P., Nonprofit Executive
Read more: Jeff P., Nonprofit Executive

Debbie has a unique ability to understand the people she is working with, and anticipate their development and coaching needs, sometimes before they are even aware of them. She drives…

Crystal P, Vice President
Read more: Crystal P, Vice President

Working with Debbie was a big leap in my leadership development. Debbie helped me make progress for the first time on one of the persistent areas of growth in my…

William C., Leadership Executive
Read more: William C., Leadership Executive

I doubled my business’ revenue due to Debbie's support and guidance and still use her practices today. She has been instrumental in not only my personal career growth, but also…

Yiana S., President
Read more: Yiana S., President

As a result of executive, group, and leadership team coaching, my clients have:

  • Turned around poor performing divisions and improved business results
  • Deepened their ability to set strategy, have constructive conflict, and align as a team
  • Successfully driven organizational change
  • Learned to flex their leadership style and deepen their impact
  • Mastered larger roles
  • Accelerated integration into new company
  • Increased their happiness at work and in their overall lives
Debbie Plager

Book a discovery call

Get in touch to book a no-obligation discovery call and find out how we can help build your career and leadership skills through our executive coaching program.

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